A message from the Yazidi activist and the survivor from ISIS captivity (Layla Ta’alu) to the United Nations, the international community and the human rights organization
Yazidi News – Sinjar
The world has blessed you, and you are sitting motionless, and the people of my religion are being wiped out everywhere.
Today the scene is repeated, and the people of my religion are subjected to the worst methods of ethnic cleansing, killing and displacement in Syrian – Afrin city and its villages. My people are being forced to abandon their religion and convert to Islam under duress and intimidation.
Yes, the scene of the genocide that Yezidis were subjected to in Shingal on August 3, 2014 is repeated in the Syrian city of Afrin, by the Syrian factions and terrorist groups that follow foreign agendas.
More than 35,000 Yazidis in Afrin were displaced by these extremist factions, and today, according to statistics, only about 1500 Yazidis remain there, most of them are women and elderly, as they lived in 22 villages belonging to Afrin city, but because of the intimidation they left, they left Their areas, and they have been displaced to other Syrian cities and also to Lebanon and Iraq.
At the same time, the religious shrines and graves were subjected to demolition and destruction by those factions that follow foreign and terrorist agendas, and the presence of Yazidis in Syria has become completely threatened with extinction.
Three years ago, I managed to escape from ISIS captivity, and I know will how these terrorist groups treat the Yazidis, they were killing the men reaping and kidnaping the women and the girls and destroying there house, shrines and even their tombs.
Today it is our moral and humanitarian duty to defend the people of this religion in the Syrian city of Afrin, and the international community, the United Nations and human rights organizations must assume their responsibilities and expedite their rescue, and stop the massacres that the Yazidis are exposed to there before their eyes and everyone’s.
Layla Ta’alu